You probably visit a bunch of forums, and it can be a hassle to visit
each site and log in just to check out a few posts. Bouncing to other websites to upload images, and wading through email alerts to track threads slows you down and keeps you from being as active as you may want to be. Following multiple
threads on different forums is an added complexity, as is maintaining
passwords and accounts on every single separate forums. Quite frankly,
because of the effort involved, sometimes there are forums you dont
visit as much as you want to, or forums where you only want to use
one or two small subforums. Beyond all of this, using forums on your
cell phone is difficult, and you wish you could share all your information
easily between your devices.
- Automatically log in to all of your forums, accessing
all of the content from ONE place
- Quickly move from one topic to another- even on different
- Instantly upload images and graphics
- Jump straight to only the subforums you actually use.
- Quickly track specific threads of interest
- Save time, and do more in less time
+ Add Forum:
Add forums with the web address, username, and password.
Subforums can then be added from the top bar once your navigating
the forum!
X Delete Forum:
Delete forums and subforums
Edit Forum:
Change password and other settings
Navigate Forum button:
Navigate to forums/subforums
Forums List:
Navigate through the forums and isolated subforums you
have selected. Use the arrow to display the subforums for
each main forum.
Thread Tracking:
Track specific threads- just a double click takes you right
to it.
Remove Tracking:
After your done tracking a thread, just hit "remove
tracking" and stop tracking it!
Click the home button to go to the forum home.
Click the refresh button to refresh the current
Left and Right Navigation Buttons:
Click Left to move back, click right to move forward
to navigate the pages similar to a traditional browser.
Copy the URL of the current page to paste, share, or utilize in other manners.
Open a new tab for browsing
Upload a hosted image and insert it into a forum.
Add Sub Forum allows you to add a sub forum to
the side bar under a main forum. This allows you to view only
the subforums your interested in, and bypass the ones you aren't!
Login to a forum in case of a forum timeout
paste in a url from an email, website, other source, or manually entered
Right Click- Open in New Window (not shown)
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apps today